Last night’s VIP reception for the Whitney! exhibit inside the GRAMMY Museum Experience Prudential Center in Whitney’s hometown of Newark, NJ. The night featured a moving dialogue between Bob Santelli, Founding Executive Director of the GRAMMY Museum, and Pat Houston, President of The Estate of Whitney E. Houston as well as remarks from Cissy Houston, Whitney’s mother. Here are some highlights from the evening’s event. The exhibit is now open. (All photos by: Jeffrey Auger)
Bob Santelli, Founding Executive Director of The GRAMMY Museum, addressing the crowd including members of Whitney’s family.
Pat Houston, Executor of The Estate of Whitney E. Houston, bringing Whitney’s mom, Cissy Houston, up on stage.
Dionne Warwick, Cissy Houston, Pat Houston and Gary Michael Houston (Whitney’s nephew) at the event.
Pat Houston addressing the guests and welcoming them to the exhibit.
Cissy listening to Whitney on set of headphones featured around the exhibit.
Cissy Houston at entrance to exhibit.
Top Photo: Whitney’s family members and Bob Santelli, Executive Director of The GRAMMY Museum at entrance to exhibit: Gary Michael Houston, Donna Houston, Vice President of The Estate of Whitney E. Houston, Bob Santelli, Diane Whitt (Cissy’s niece), Pat Houston, Executor of The Estate of Whitney E. Houston, Cissy Houston and Dionne Warwick.